Alexander Wang Fall / Winter 2019

Alexander Wang Fall / Winter 2019 by Alexander Wang.

Yet again, as always, Alexander Wang latest Collection made everyone awe and believe that everything can be expensive once worn. From big hairstyles (ponytails, pigtails) to mesmerizing accessories. I can vibe a touch of Japanese fashion through every piece bold and colorful statements. Also, a modernized New York style that captures the elegance of the city. 

The collection is a total American-Asian vibe. The coolness, the edginess, the chicness, the boldness of every piece in the collection.

Materials used:

Canson Watercolor Paper
Reeves Watercolor - Tubes
Winsor and Newton Watercolor - Cotman
Royal-Art Handmade Brushes (Round) #9, #12
Colleen 3030 Pencil (HB)
Reeves Artists' Poster Colour in Silver
Pentel Poster Color in Pearl Silver No. 91

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Facebook page: HandieFashionie
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Youtube: Jan-pol Pacol


Etsy: HandieFashionie
miPIC: HandieFashionie
